Wednesday, 5 November 2008

The radio is on repeat

Well, what a week so far. Monday I was off work with excruicating pain that left me bedridden and my head is still suffering despite an increase in medication. America now has a new leader which, after a change at the weekend, I do believe is for the better. I'm not very politically aware, especially for a different nation, but in retrospect, I think it would be an awful result if McCain had one. Now all I need is to watch Jon Stewart and then my week is complete!

Last night was Martha Wainwright night. Despite the man in front being a complete pain with his constant jiggering and reassuring arm around his girlfriend/wife/victim, it was a really good night. There was a small part of me that hoped Rufus would make a guest appearance but it's like with Jason Donovan at the Kylie concert. If only!

I'm a couple of steps closer to completing my zine; just a case of printing it off, pasting and the grand copying, which shouldn't take too long. I'm yet to decide if I'm keeping the name or changing it for something new. When I was typing it onto Word from my original typewriter prints, I had trouble understanding half of it. I think I was in such a state when I typed it, it was a polar opposite of how I was on Sunday. However, I've gone back to that today so it should all be comprehendible to me once again. But it is quite different from my previous ones, so do I keep the name as it's still me, or do a new name because it's different? Maybe I'll have decided by the time the weekend is over.

1 comment:

A Cuban In London said...

This is a historical moment in the US, you're right. Let's hope Obama turns out to be the good guy we all expect him to be. It won't be easy, remember Tony :-)?

Greetings from London.