Monday, 15 December 2008

UnChristmassy Festivities & Things-To-Do

The weekend was full of things to do and it started from nothing. My intention of ironing two items of clothing on Saturday moning was just that and not removing, cleaning and tidying three of the biggest cupboards in the kitchen nor did it include making three jellies (two of which with sponge fingers, yum). Yesterday was just as bad and I managed to add an extra large batch of rock cakes and a cottage pie into the equation.

There's something wonderfully blissful about making rock cakes. They were something I made as a child as well as marble cake, which was great fun when it came to swirling colour into the mixture. The cookbook those two recipes are in went astray many years ago which was quite sad as it was one I always referred to. I was fortunate to have a mother with initiative who went on a search for another copy with various bookfinders, and I now have a copy on my shelf with the other cookbooks. It is one that I'll treasure 'til the ending day.

This is the last week at work until January. I'm looking forward to having some time away as, I've said before, there are numerous things I would like to do with my days. One of them was actually doing the whole kitchen so having half of it done makes it a lot easier. The biggest task is cataloguing all of the Disney beanies. I had a system set up about three years ago but due to moving it didn't get completed nor could it continue with newly purchased items. I'll kick start that again over the holiday and it should only take a day.

I set up a table with lots of things to include like the season, if it was limited edition (and which number it was) price etc. All the things that we need to know and also a serial that I created which gets added to the beanie that is wrapped up in tissue paper, after a photograph has been taken. Looking outside in, I'm quite thorough with these things. I like that. Gosh, something positive about myself. Are the tablets working now?!

My intention for my lunch break was to make another pouch but I cleverly brought everything but the zipper so I can't even cut the material down to the exact size. Not my most clever of moves. Next Monday sees me visiting the dentist to assist with a filling that has almost all fallen out and hopefully at some point my brother will visit. It is disgraceful the number of years it has been since I last saw him. Oh and the cats are still bringing in lots of micely presents,

Friday, 12 December 2008

Holly Berries & Baubauls

Christmas and I have never really been friends. It always brings memories of the bad and all the festivities are surrounded with gloom. With the credit crunch setting in, it makes walking around the English town a manic mission and far from enjoyable. People declaring, "I've got to get this, I've got to get that," but not a single utter of, "I'd like to get this." It's always a rush. Always forceful and all for a day. But it's not the day that is remembered, it's the commercialism and the constant pressure to have everything bought in, everything prepared. The day is not welcomed but more greeted with a sigh of relief that the mania is over for another year. How very parallel from the old.